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Impact of Computer Aid’s humanitarian equipment on Ukrainian researchers and educators

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Signature of the memorandum on the integration of science and education in Azerbaijan

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ASNET-AM facilitates the creation of digital libraries and repositories in Armenia

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Resilience and transformation: Ukrainian universities in times of occupation and digital change

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More universities’ dormitories in Moldova choose eduroam

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Science and Technology Convergence Conference 2022: Bringing Together Academia and Industry in Armenia

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RENAM services: support for digitisation in the field of education and research

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URAN solves cloud services issues during the war

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NRENs and technology bring Azerbaijan and Estonia closer

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Georgian executive board for European Open Science Cloud MoU elect chair in first meeting

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URAN offers Ukrainian researchers and educators two online learning platforms

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URAN increases the capacity of WebClass – a platform for remote events

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GRENA supports Georgia hosting 4th European Junior Olympiad in Informatics

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EaPConnect reviews achievements as new phase dawns

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Supporting distance learning with eduMEET in Ukraine

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AzScienceNet supports international pandemic conference between Turkic science academies

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EaPConnect partners support research and education during the COVID-19 pandemic

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URAN rapidly deploys eduMEET to support openUp2U and Ukrainian home research and education

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AzScienceNet supports young Azerbaijani scientists

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Helena Zhivitskaya, pioneering Belarusian IT expert and education reformer

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Supporting academic publishing in Ukraine

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URAN implements eduroam managed IdP to support research

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GRENA cyber-security activities go from strength to strength: innovation award and Olympiad

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GRENA launches cyber exercises portal

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EaPEC 2018: One more university connected to the RENAM network

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AzScienceNet held the 12th National Olympiad in Informatics among university students in Azerbaijan

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Cybersecurity Olympiad in Georgia ‘Cyber Cube 2018’

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eduroam WiFi service comes to one of the biggest IT educational institutions in Belarus

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GRENA boosts eduroam visibility in Georgia at UNESCO-supported anniversary event

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ASNET-AM hosts successful eduroam service training in Armenia

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Knowledge Without Borders: EaPConnect in CONNECT edition 26

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