On 11 October 2022, RENAM took part in the workshop “Digitalisation – an engine for accelerating the development and economic growth of the Republic of Moldova: presentations, free discussions and exchange of opinions”. RENAM specialists Alexandru Cacean, Valentin Pocotilenco and Nicolai Iliuha gave presentations on selected services in support of digitisation in the field of education and research.
The presentations focused on:
- eduroam – the secure, world-wide roaming access, which allows students, researchers and staff from participating institutions to obtain Internet connectivity across campus and when visiting other participating institutions by simply opening their laptop, mobile phone or other device;
- eduGAIN – an user authentication and authorisation service within the national identity federation, which simplifies access to national and European information resources for the research and education community;
- access to the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) infrastructure for users from the Republic of Moldova;
- videoconference support service;
- GÉANT TCS (Trusted Certificate Services) – digital certificate issuing service.
This workshop is part of the roundtable “Smart specialisation: from academic idea to political approach”, organised at the Moldova State University from 10-13 October 2022 within the framework of the Erasmus+ EUSHARE project. The event was attended by students, professors and guests from different government and academic institutions and NGOs with invited speakers from Romania, Finland, Poland and Bulgaria.