On April 23, 2018 Moldova hosted the workshop ‘EU4Digital: Innovation & Startup Ecosystems’ of the EaP Panel on the Harmonisation of Digital Markets (HDM). The main goal of the event was to share experiences and best practices on ICT innovation and start-ups development between the Eastern Partnership countries and the EU Member States, as well as to strengthen inter-regional cooperation.
Representatives of international organisations, the government sector, the private sector and academia, interested in creating an ecosystem favourable for ICT innovation and start-ups development at national and regional levels participated in the discussions.
In the framework of this workshop the progress made by each country regarding the national priorities, defined by the Digital Markets network’s work plan of the Eastern Partnership, was presented, and the objectives for the future were set.
Dr. Peter Bogatencov, Executive Vice-Director of RENAM, made a presentation about the EaPConnect main areas of activities, achievements in realisation of regional networking infrastructure and networking services implementation for research and educational communities of EaP countries. Potential areas of the project cooperation with EaP HDM panel working groups were considered.
A new study of the International Telecommunication Union dedicated to European good practices accelerating digital transformation was presented. Also, the conclusions of the regional study of the current situation in the Eastern Partnership countries were presented, contributing to adjustment of the common agenda and innovation priorities of the HDM network.
The workshop was organised by the European Commission in the framework of the Moldova ICT Summit 2018, the key annual event for the ICT industry, aimed at bringing the Moldovan ICT sector to a next level through innovation beyond borders. The 2018 edition of the summit was focused on the ICT innovation ecosystem with a particular attention paid to the ICT education, and brought together over 400 participants.