“Having some successful examples on Open Access, it remains to identify the concrete measures on Open Data and Open Collaboration with the involvement of relevant and representative stakeholders from society” – this was the main message of the 2nd NI4OS-Europe National Dissemination Event in Moldova held on May 5, 2022.
The event gave an opportunity to national stakeholders to gain knowledge about recently implemented NI4OS-Europe (National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe) project activities regarding on-boarding the NI4OS-Europe services and repositories into EOSC (European Open Science Cloud), the call for proposals for accessing resources from the NI4OS-Europe catalogue, the National Open Science Cloud Initiatives and policy support, access to the EOSC services through the EOSC portal, existing system of evaluation and rewards in science, traditional (quantitative) measurement of scientific performance, new initiatives and actions on assessment, incentives and rewards aimed at the future of Open Science (including UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science and Plan S), a wide range of free of charge OpenAIRE services/tools designed for all stakeholders to monitor, accelerate and support scientific research, OpenAIRE guidelines for different types of scientific results, and the practical aspects of Open Science in Norway.
This three-and-a-half-hour online event was attended by 71 representatives of Moldovan universities and research institutions, librarians and policy makers. The event was organised by RENAM, as a NI4OS-Europe partner, with support of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova and the National Agency for Research and Development.